So, the Pixie decided to take a road trip. See, I've never seen a HughesNet install done. I wanted to see. Told ya I was nosy.
The drive out was really super long. I mean, if I were driving it wouldn't have seemed that long, but seeing the road just fly by and the billion and one trees just made it seem that much longer. I was never very good at being a passenger. I get too antsy. Plus, I have issues with someone else driving, but ya know sometimes you just gotta let it go. Now, I need to point out that while I live in the middle of nowhere, I'm fairly certain this was even further than the middle of nowhere. Even nowhere is going "Yeah, we don't know where you are..."
So we arrive at the customer's house. I must point out there were lots of puppies. Big puppies, little puppies, and this one very angry little ankle biter. Boy, was he such a tough little thing! At least he thought he was anyway. I could have put this little thing into my boot, and I have very small feet! Other than giving me a headache, he was kinda cute. I didn't want to break it's little heart by telling it my ankle biters were way more enthusiastic with barking and whole lot noisier than he, but he thought he was doing something special! So, I let him.
On the plus side though, the customer had a really nice place. HUGE yard. I would so not want to be the one mowing that. It just looks like it would be an all week job. Plus one or two weekends as well. Also, they were really nice. Very talkative, which I can wholeheartedly appreciate, but still really nice. I love talking to our customers. Some have the greatest stories. This one was no exception.
So, I pick a spot and have a seat to watch. Unfortunately I picked a spot in the sunshine and am very much paying for that. Pixie does not do well in the sunshine. I turn a very nasty red color, complete with freckles, and throw my system into a Vitamin D overload. Anyway, so I sat there and started watching. Who knew they had to dig a hole so deep?! If I were smaller I'd have gotten lost in that thing. Then again, the pole is really really tall. I suppose it makes sense to bury it pretty deep. It definitely wasn't moving once it was in the ground that's for certain. Not only that, but he used this hammery thing (pole driver or something), and put it even deeper into the ground. Really sad part? The pole was still taller than me once it was in the ground. It couldn't have been more than 5 and a half feet once done either. It just does not pay to be mini sometimes.
Either way, so once that fun stuff was over and my whining had ceased for the moment thanks to the breeze, it was time to pull out the zip ties! There were a lot of them too. You know, the amount of zip ties could have stretched for miles! I wanted to play with them, but in the end I'm kind of glad they didn't put em near me. With my luck I would have ended up crying out for help from underneath a tangled up mess of zip ties. I probably would have gotten it... after a whole lot of laughing and some very embarrassing Facebook pictures. There is no limit to what us ADD pixies can get into, is there?
Time to break out the drill! I love that part except I'm like permanently banned from power tools. I get too excited around them. I don't understand what the big deal is really. I mean I only drilled everything in sight that one time. Honestly. That thing with the chainsaw wasn't my fault either. I swear. I know, it's amazing I still have all of my limbs! Anyway, while all of that was going on, I decided to wander off and sat down with the customer just happily chatting away. I told you they were talkative.
A few hours into it, it was all over. I thought there would be more oomph to it, but nope. Pretty boring stuff. Pole, dish, wires, drill, hook up, point dish, get on interwebs, and all done. I'm still not sure how that pointing the dish thing works. Seriously. It just flew right over my head. Our techs really have a complicated job when it comes to things like that. I'm actually very impressed by what they do. Also very grateful I do not have their job. It was hot! I don't do well with heat! Plus I ended up looking like a lobster face. So not pretty.
After it was all said and done, the Pixie so needed a nap. Sadly, the nap continues on and off. Sun sick. Not the business. I feel rather miserable. I could not do that every day. How they do amazes me. I'm just so spoiled. Now, I do feel the need to point out... the Pixie did not help with any of this. Okay, I eyed the drill with longing, but other than that! No way was I going to break a nail. Nu uh. My nails are precious! That just looked like a nail breaking job. I'll pass.
At any rate, my thanks to the tech for allowing me to tag along to watch, and putting up with all of my annoying questions.
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