Married, Kids?
Yes, I have been married for almost three years and have 2 step-sons, the most beautiful granddaughter in the whole world, and a little dog named Vegas…...however, I haven’t figured out yet whether he is my step-dog or my step-granddog.What made you want to start your own business?
While I was in high school, I worked at Radio Shack and learned a lot about how a business is operated. About the time I graduated, I lost my job because the owner retired, so I decided to start my own company instead of going to work for someone else. My first business was installing car audio systems, window tinting, and alarm systems. I had gotten interested in electronics while working at Radio Shack, so I taught myself to work on CB radios for the local deer hunters (this was before cell phones). The next thing I learned was repairing TV’s and that led to installing satellite systems.Why Satellite instead of Cable?
Cable systems limit your business to the length of cable you have installed. My satellite business gives me the flexibility to expand into as large an area as I want to cover. It also enables me to provide better television and movie programming to customers without competing with cable providers.If approached by a customer on the street who compliments one of your employees, what would be your first reaction?
My first reaction would be a really happy feeling, followed quickly by a sincere Thank You to that person. I hire and train my employees to always do the best job they can, because satisfied customers are what have kept us in business all these years.What made you decide to be a fireman and how long have you been doing it? (Yes, amazingly enough, Brad also does that! I know! I was impressed too when I found out.)
I have been working as a fireman for 18 years because I like to be able to help people. The demands of the job are so tough that in order to do it, you need to have the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping others through very difficult times. I left the fire department in 2004 to grow my DIRECTV business, and in 2007 I got the chance to go back full-time. Since that time, my schedule has been 24 hours on-duty and 48 hours off-duty.How do you find time to do it all?
I have to prioritize my jobs. I love working at the Fire Department and consider it my “real” job. My Brad’s Electronics business is more like a hobby and because it is so different from my work at the Fire Department, it sort of gives me a break.How can you consider operating a business that provides paychecks for approximately 60 people a hobby?
It feels like a hobby because finding solutions to all the issues that come along with running a business is fun for me.Obviously, your life is very hectic, how do you always seem to be so calm in the midst of it all?
Well, one thing I DON’T do is go home and beat my dog! :P Everything about my business is a challenge to me- and I love challenges! I don’t allow problems at Brad’s Electronics. Nobody likes problems because problems upset people. Since I only deal with challenges, I really don’t get upset very often.What are you planning to add in the future to Brad’s Electronics already impressive list of services? (This is what I was talking about with the TVs and the comfy couches! By the way, he answered with the popcorn well before he saw my other post. It just kind of fit. I'm so proud! *wipes a tear*)
I am working out the details for a Home Theater Installation Project. Many of our customers who install satellite systems want to be able to enjoy watching their favorite programs and movies at home, but with the movie theater atmosphere. We can make it happen for them. We can provide the big screen, the sound system, the theater seating, and just to make it even more realistic, we’ll throw in some popcorn!How large is your area of operation now, and are you planning to expand?
We have been doing sales and installations in Mississippi, Arkansas, and Florida; however the sales department is just about ready to launch our national sales program in all the remaining states.
That concludes our little questionnaire, or my being nosy! However you want to see it. Just wait until we get to our operations manager, Stoney. Oh yeah. I'm gonna be nosy with him too!
Tomorrow though, we have a very special treat for you. You'll just have to come back and see what it is...
P.S. I promised a picture of that vase with the employee beating sticks. I found out what it was really for, but it's a lot less entertaining than my imagination. So, I'm not going to tell you why it's really there. ;)
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