At any rate, after that little bit as a pin cushion, my past couple of days were pretty much boring. I kept my tv on the Science Channel for the most part. Something about Morgan Freeman's voice just soothed my head. Well, that and it didn't require a lot of concentration to watch that channel. Plus, I learned a whole bunch of things about Stephen Hawkin's black hole radiation stuff, and they also had this really cool thing about ion engines. Although, every time I hear Ion engine I think TIE fighter from Star Wars, which stands for Twin Ion Engine. I'm just waiting for the day when we can have those, and then have epic space battles! What? Don't look at me like that. You know the little dork in you would be happy to see them too. And don't act like you're not making those "pew pew" noise either! :P
So, I do have a question. When you're sitting at home because you can't go to work/school due to illness, what do you do all day? See, I sit around and keep light stuff on to try and soothe me, reading if I possibly can, and trying to sleep when I can. I did find out some interesting bits though.
Here goes my list of fun facts, because you know a little useless knowledge never hurt anyone:
1. Tomorrow is Donald Duck
s Birthday! He'll be 77. While not my favorite cartoon character, he's still one of the top 10. ;) No one can beat out Marvin the Martian. Sorry. He does look rather dashing in his little sailor suit and fluffy tail, though. He's so cute! Source: Donald Duck's Wiki2. This day in history. Actually these are all pretty interesting, but I do have one big question... HOW DO THEY KNOW!? If I'm not mistaken the calendar we currently use wasn't around until 1580's or close enough. So obviously the more current events I can understand, but Mohammad's death... really? :P Today in History
3. What calendar do we use? I'm so glad you asked! See this is why you should have paid attention in class. What kind of calendar is it?!
4. How many bones does your head contain? I probably could have counted every one of these for the past two days because that little midget wanted to play with every one of them! By the way, the sounds of "Ow ow ow, please quit hurting, I promise I'll be good if you just make it stop" is not great lyrics for a song. According to, we have 29 of them, including the itty bitty baby ones in the ear.
5. Animations are harder to do than they look. It took me over 24 hours to do a small 30 second video. I didn't know this, but 3D animations require every tiny movement to be rendered to it's own separate picture, or frame. Shadows, lights, ect. effect how long it takes to render one frame. 299 frames, or pictures, took around 5-6 minutes each. I don't see an animations career in my future because I have very little patience. :P
Hope everyone has a great day, and enjoyed your weekend!
"Do not undervalue the headache. While it is at its sharpest it seems a bad investment; but when relief begins, the unexpired remainder is worth $4 a minute." Mark Twain
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