Welcome to your Friday. We have a caffeinated Pixie at your service. Results may vary, randomness is assured, and we're fairly certain ADD meds will be required. With that in mind, we may proceed.
So this morning I was sitting here with my massive glass of Pepsi (yes I had to kick back from the coffee. It was making me all jittery) and wondering, "What can I do today to annoy people!" Sticky note football wasn't very fun after like 10 minutes, so I'm still working on something to keep me occupied for the rest of the day. I suppose I could call techs and harass them. That's always fun. Except there's one running around that's almost as caffeinated as I am. Probably a good idea to leave that one alone today. Just for today though.
Where was I? Oh yes, it's Friday! For those that aren't aware, SUNDAY IS MOTHER'S DAY! Yes, yes it is. See, usually it's the Sunday after my mom's birthday, but this year they decided to mix it up and put it the Sunday before her birthday. So, I'm kind of scrambling around on what to get her. Any ideas would be very much appreciated! I don't think a case of Red Bull would appeal to her. Me yes, her, not so much.
Now, in honor of Mother's Day, I decided to get with what seems to Brad's Electronics very own Momma Bear, Ms. Connie. Ms. Connie is that awesome voice you hear whenever you call Brad's Electronics and a recording comes on to please hold... That's Ms. Connie. Doesn't she sound so sweet? She is too. I adore Ms. Connie.
How long have you been with Brad’s Electronics?
I’ve worked here almost 5 years.
Other than being the resident Momma, what do you do here?
My main purpose is to make sure that we are paid for each and every job we do. All information has to be submitted correctly, and if it is not, we will not be paid. It is my responsibility to know what we haven’t received payment for and to do whatever I have to do so we will get our money. ((This makes her our favorite person aside from Brad... but we really only like him for his signature. :P Just kidding!))
You and Brad seem really close, how long have you known each other?
See answer to question no. 1.
What inspires you to do all that you do for us?
The Golden Rule (( I love the shiney rule!! But we're probably thinking about 2 different rules on that one...))
If you could, would there be anything you’d add to Brad’s services?
I’ll leave the additions to Brad! My interest is in helping to make Brad’s Electronics the best satellite sales and installation company in the entire country – not just for our customers, but the employees as well.
Can I have a mocha expresso? ;)
Sure, and would you like to have a bowl of Chocolate Cobbler, warm from the oven, with a scoop of ice cream to go with it? I can go in the kitchen and whip one up before you know it! ((Why yes... yes I would! Can we skip the bread though? I'm allergic :P ))
See! Love her! Don't forget to tell all your momma's (biological or not) how much you love 'em Sunday. Well, hopefully you do it every day but especially on Mother's Day. If you've got any shiney baubles left over though... the Pixie loves shiney baubles. Just sayin'.
Also, I have to go buy flowers...
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